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Competition – Trashy

Chelsy Lifardy
November 26th, 2019 · 1 min read

About Competition

  • Duration: 2 Months (August-September 2019)
  • Role: UI/UX Designer
  • Team: 4 Peoples (Me, Stevany, Jihan Maulana O., George Matthew L. )


Population increasing is directly proportional to plastic bottles increasing in Indonesia. Based on data from Asosiasi Industri Plastik Indonesia (INAPLAS) and Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Indonesia has produced 64 million tons plastic waste and 4,82 billion of them is plastic bottle. The fact, plastic bottle needs 450 – 1000 years to be decomposited (source:

Can you imagine what will happen to our earth for the next 40 years?

The basic solution of this problem is Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (3R). All of us can say “let’s do recycle, reduce, reuse (3R)” but how to convince people to do 3R since the awareness level of waste from Indonesian people still very low? Even based on data from Suistanable Waste Indonesia (SWI) said that only less than 10% of plastic waste is recycled and more than 50% still ends up in landfills.

Based on this concern, we started to think some alternative ways that we can use to help this earth using technology.


Competitive Analysis

Before we jump to user research, we do competitive analysis to collect information about how others using technology to reduce this problem. From 3 ways waste management (3R), we will focus this research around recycling area.


User Research

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After analyzing the research, we created a persona that represents users who will use this application. From the research results, we bring out a persona named Ayu Putri



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